Gothic carving

Gothic carving
Vision of Music

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Just One Thing

As the family gathered today, this question came up.  What is the one thing you are most grateful for?  One thing.  The younger members declared themselves grateful for new or expected toys like i-pods, i-pads and x-boxes.  The middle group; grateful for things that spell security, the job, the savings account, the healthy family.  The older group, my group was strangely silent, most of us being in a knock on wood mode.  I have given this matter some thought as the day passed and now I have my answer.  The one thing I am most grateful for is music.

My first clear memories are filled with music, my mother playing her favorite records and later, playing the piano as I went to sleep.  Sunday school brought more music into my life, simple children’s hymns like Jesus Loves Me.  As I grew up, music came to me in many forms. Piano lessons started when I was six and continued until I was seventeen. Violin lessons began when I was ten and lasted until I was fifteen.  I sang in the church youth choir starting when I was twelve and played in the Junior High (now called Middle School) orchestra for three years.

The result of all this exposure was a deep seated appreciation for music.  I love
everything from Mozart to Pearl Jam.  Classical, Jazz. Blues, Rock, Folk all have their place in my life.  When I am depressed, Mozart is better than any pill.  When I am angry, bring on the Prokofiev.  If I can find the right musical landscape, I can repair almost anything that is bothering me.  I cannot imagine my life without music. 

So this Thanksgiving, I am truly grateful for music, all music

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The world of Now

When I began this blog, I had visions of posting daily entries on whatever caught my attention. The first thing I discovered is that even though I am retired, living a life of comparative ease I am having problems remembering to post to the blog. The second thing I discovered was that when I did remember to post there were so many things clamoring for my attention that it was hard to pick a topic.  I think this is because I live in the world of now.  Now, everything is available to me at any time, twenty four hours a day forever as long as I pay the subscription fees. My thoughts and inner dialogue are constantly challenged by the appearance of a favorite T.V, series on Netflix or the instant availability of a long awaited book, make that books, on Kindle.  Just as I begin to make headway on an emotional issue, my cell phone notifies me of some urgent communication from some vendor that I cannot live without. I can't help wondering what all technology is doing to the meditation business.  My daughter has started taking Yoga to try and relax.  I asked her how she manages to clear her mind of all distractions,  She says she is working on it.  I.m sure I have other deep thoughts on this subject buried somewhere but I have to go now as I am also behind on my e-mail.