My first clear memories are filled with music, my mother playing her favorite records and later, playing the piano as I went to sleep. Sunday school brought more music into my life, simple children’s hymns like Jesus Loves Me. As I grew up, music came to me in many forms. Piano lessons started when I was six and continued until I was seventeen. Violin lessons began when I was ten and lasted until I was fifteen. I sang in the church youth choir starting when I was twelve and played in the Junior High (now called Middle School) orchestra for three years.
The result of all this exposure was a deep seated appreciation for music. I love
everything from Mozart to Pearl Jam. Classical, Jazz. Blues, Rock, Folk all have their place in my life. When I am depressed, Mozart is better than any pill. When I am angry, bring on the Prokofiev. If I can find the right musical landscape, I can repair almost anything that is bothering me. I cannot imagine my life without music.
So this Thanksgiving, I am truly grateful for music, all music